Organizing with Fairbanks & Interior Alaska communities toward just action on climate changE

Want to keep in touch with FCAC?
Our regular e-mail newsletter is the best way to hear about upcoming events and action opportunities, direct from our community organizers and partner organizations.
Upcoming events
Through education and advocacy Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition organizes Fairbanks & Interior Alaska communities toward action to mitigate and adapt to climate change. We seek to elevate climate solutions and foster a fair, equitable, & just transition to sustainable communities — locally, regionally and globally. We seek to build a renewed & respectful relationship between all beings and the earth.
Working Groups are the foundation of FCAC
The Working Groups are critical to our success. Each of these working groups utilizes a particular strategy toward the FCAC mission. Our working groups are people powered and driven by community volunteer leadership. We value shared skills in developing plans and carrying them out.

Here in Alaska, we are confronting climate change for the generations to come after us. No matter the amount, your support is what matters most to us. Our biggest resource is your commitment to this movement, with the dollars, time, creativity, and connections each of you provide.
If you prefer to mail a check please make it out to “Native Movement” (our fiscal sponsor, Tax Id: 68-0535413) and put "FCAC" in the memo. Send to: Native Movement PO Box 83467, Fairbanks, AK 99708
OFFICE Location
Dená Movement Commons
526 Gaffney Rd. Ste 203
Fairbanks, AK 99701
PO Box 83467
Fairbanks, AK 99708