Working groupS
Working Groups are the foundation of FCAC.
They are critical to our success. Each of these People powered GROUPS ARE driven by community volunteer leadership AND utilizE a particular strategy toward the FCAC mission. We value shared skills in developing plans and carrying them out. Below is a brief outline of each working group with links to their specific pages for your greater involvement.
The Interfaith Working Group of FCAC works to encourage faith communities in Fairbanks to be faithful stewards of the earth, to care for one another, especially the most vulnerable among us, and to personally and collectively make the changes needed to make our community more sustainable and resilient.
Addressing the catastrophic impacts of climate change means keeping the remaining fossil fuel resources in the ground. A just transition to a socially and environmentally regenerative economy requires saying "no" to economic choices we know are inconsistent with climate justice. This working group acts to mount popular grassroots campaigns to end fossil fuel extraction in our state.
The FCAC Politics and Policy working group works to identify opportunities to achieve real steps towards climate action institutionalized through legislation at the local and state level. This work involves considering key policies to advocate for, building relationships with legislators to suggest and move policies forward into reality, and keeping an eye on elections and political opportunities to raise the prominence and possibility of climate policy in our community.
REGENerative economies
If our current economy is producing climate change, pollution, and inequality, what kind of economy can provide good livelihoods that work both for people and the planet? This working group is focused on finding answers to that question that make sense for Alaska—we seek to redefine the goals of the economy away from maximizing income for the wealthy few towards achieving broad-based equity, community health, and ecological sustainability.
RENEWable energy
The Renewable Energy Working Group is a diverse, community-driven group of people who are dedicated to working together to transition the Fairbanks area to renewable energy as soon as possible. We advance energy justice and decarbonization in order to achieve 100% generation from renewable sources through community organizing, outreach, and engagement with our local utility cooperative.