Aurora Bowers Aurora Bowers

doubling down on our engagement in local and state initiatives

Community is more than just a group of friends - it’s an active and engaged group of people invested in the future of their community and willing to show up to fight for it. Become comfortable with speaking about how harmful policies affect you and the people you love, and what it feels like to be you in this moment.

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Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition

Take Action TODAY on SB 92 and SB 112!

Tell your Alaska Legislators that you support taxing wealthy fossil fuel corporations! There are two important energy bills in the Alaska Senate right now, SB 92 and SB 112, that could change how the state collects taxes on multi-billion dollar oil and gas companies.

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Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition

Here are the ways you can get involved with FCAC

In order to really break it down to the practical level, we wanted to outline the exact ways you can take action with FCAC to build the world you want to see. 

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Aurora Bowers Aurora Bowers

Cultivating active hope in hard times

The day after the inauguration, along with our friends at Fireweed Collective and Northern Center, we gathered in the evening with about 60 members of our community to share food and inspiration, and to gather energy for what’s coming next. The mood was fired up, people ready to take their place in the local fight for a livable climate. We felt buoyed by this community, and the motivation of others. Coming out of that energetic mood, we’ve been sitting with the idea of what it takes to cultivate hope in the midst of hopelessness. Or is hope even the thing we need?

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Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition

vibes for 2025: Connection, Care, and Strategy

Resourcing our movement in a sustainable way will be key as we walk into a time of assured political threat. And although there still remains much uncertainty about that threat, over the past two months of processing and resting for the work ahead, we have come out feeling guided by several core principles: connection, care, and strategy.

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Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition

The Best Deal in Town: Renewable Energy for Interior Alaska

The best deal in (and out of) town is in the air! Literally. Investing in renewable energy—specifically, wind power—isn’t just about saving money on electricity bills; it’s about creating a more resilient, sustainable, and cost-effective long-term energy system for our communities. Read on to learn more!

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Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition

resourcing our movement

In order to take care of our community and continue to fight for the just transition we know is still possible, we need to grow our movement, and bring everyone in, in whatever ways people can contribute. Becoming a donor is just as valuable as contributing your time. Becoming a sustaining donor is an especially impactful way of investing in your community and shoring up our movement against the instability of the funding landscape.

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Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition

Finding hope in local action

Like many, we are feeling the full range of emotions over the implications of this election outcome for climate policy, and the real danger to our community. But we also know that our source of power is in our movements, not in a presidential election. As we face the reality of a potentially grim future for national climate policy, our work on the local and state level becomes even more critical, and our skills in grassroots organizing are more important than ever.

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Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition

Making good trouble

Reflections from our weekend Non-violent Direct Action & arts Training

Last weekend, we joined with folks from other community groups in town to share skills around nonviolent direct action. This was an incredible experience of community-building and empowerment, and we’re excited to see how the learnings shared will work to grow our movements across issues.

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Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition

Climate disaster & what we’re fighting for

From Appalachia to Alaska, no matter where we live or what we look like, we’re all fighting for the same things - a safe place to call home, and a livable future for our children. The absolute devastation we’re witnessing now as a result of Hurricane Helene is not an accident, and it’s not an act of God. This is the result of decades of fossil fuel companies’ greed, and paid-off politicians actively working against our future.

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Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition

Connecting Over Food and Across Faiths

Interfaith Working Group members visited Zion Lutheran Church community garden, which had recently gotten an upgrade, thanks to a $1500 mini grant from the working group. Visitors shared food and discussed ways to collaborate around food security efforts. Read on to learn more!

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climate justice Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition climate justice Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition

What does Decolonization Day Have to do with Climate Action?

This weekend we gathered together in our new organizing home with friends from Native Movement and Fairbanks Queer Collective to honor Fairbanks’ liberation history, and to offer more of the story being left out during the Golden Days celebration. We wanted to take a moment now to reflect on the relationship between climate action and decolonization and the importance of acknowledging our whole history in order to build a beautiful collective future.

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Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition

What we learned over 5 years of organizing for the People’s Climate Plan

Last month, we got to see the fruit of over 5 years of concerted organizing when we stayed up until 2am to finally witness the passage of the FNSB Climate Action and Adaptation Plan. It’s a reminder that when we organize strategically around a long term vision - we win. This win was not simple, and it was not easy. It is a testament to the hard work of many community members over the course of years, and we want to take a moment to acknowledge what it took to get here, and what we’ve learned in the process.

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Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition

The people’s Climate Plan makes a comeback

After much turmoil last year, the climate plan has another chance this summer. The Borough Assembly is reintroducing it in its near original form and the public will have an opportunity to comment on June 27th. Read on to learn more about where we’ve been and how to get involved now!

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Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition

GVEA wins and AK LNG on the rocks

In this energy update, we have some good news for friends of renewables in the Interior, and some bad news for the AK LNG pipeline (aka also good news for friends of renewables). Read on to learn more about the results of the GVEA election and what's in store for the AK LNG pipeline.

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Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition

join us for a workshop!

Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition is excited to offer a new training workshop series to our members and anyone involved in the broader justice movement in Fairbanks! These monthly learning sessions will focus on skills needed to run effective teams and build strong campaigns designed to build people power and win real changes in our communities.

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Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition

Just Transition Summit Reflections

At the end of March, most of our staff and some of our members flew to Juneau for the Just Transition Summit in Á’akw Kwáan territory. Since the summit, we’ve continued to talk to each other about our learnings and inspirations from that week together, so we wanted to share a few of the themes that have come up repeatedly in our continuing conversations.

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Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition

Wind now keeps GVEA rates down

Learn more about GVEA’s rate hikes, the GVEA board’s new decision on the Healy 2 coal plant, and what we can do about it all (hint: it’s renewables) in this piece, which was originally published by FCAC member Knicely as a community perspective in the Fairbanks Daily Newsminer.

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Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition

March energy updates

In this issue, we discuss some of our highest priority bills to watch in the AK legislature this session, both the good and the bad, and give you some updates on where they're headed and how to get involved. We also discuss GVEA's recent rate hike and decision to amend their Strategic Generation Plan. Finally, get the lowdown on the upcoming GVEA elections, and how you can get involved!

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