July Energy Update: Hold GVEA accountable to generate action, not carbon

In this month’s energy newsletter, we’ll be talking about GVEA and what we can do to hold them accountable to their renewable energy goals. Over a year ago, they voted to retire the Healy 2 coal plant and to adopt a 5-point strategic generation plan that would result in an increase in renewable energy use. Our community had a huge part in making this happen, and we have so much gratitude to those who have been involved in this effort. Now, 1 year later, we haven’t seen much action, so we’re asking our community to show up to the July board meeting to hold GVEA accountable to their promises. Read on to learn more about GVEA’s promises, and what we can do to hold them accountable. 

Make your voice heard by telling GVEA to generate action, not carbon!  

For years, members of our community have voiced their support to GVEA for more renewable energy. It’s clear GVEA has heard our concerns and ideas, yet they’ve been slow to act on implementing any new renewable projects. 

GVEA has made many commitments including: to close down Healy Unit 2 coal plant and develop a large-scale wind farm, 2 pieces of their 5 part Strategic Generation Plan (SGP); to implement a tariffed on-bill financing program; and to create a community solar project. While we’re excited about and supportive of these goals, we’re still waiting for GVEA to follow through on their commitments. GVEA prides itself on being a leader in the energy transition and we’re calling on them for more accountability and tangible action. 

We would like to remind GVEA of its goals and commitments and let them know that we’re watching. Our community deserves more accountability and follow-through. GVEA can and should be a leader in the transition to an equitable, renewable energy future!

Join us by testifying at the GVEA Board meeting on Tuesday, July 25th starting 6:30pm and encourage GVEA to generate action, not carbon! You may attend and testify in-person at 758 Illinois Street or remotely on Microsoft Teams. Click here to join remotely. You must sign up to make a comment by 6:45pm on 7/25 by emailing skredlin@gvea.com or texting (907)978-0547. 

Check out more detailed talking points and background info here and reach out to kenzley@fbxclimateaction.org with any questions about FCAC’s focus on GVEA.  


FCAC's August Energy Newsletter: Reality Checks


Generating Energy For Change - FCAC Updates for July 2023