Spillcorp Strikes Again!
While we wait for an AK Supreme Court decision in the City of Valdez case on whether Hilcorp can keep its financial information secret from Alaskans, the state announced yet another Hilcorp related spill last week–this time involving a pipeline that was part of the BP-Hilcorp deal.
Be part of a community-building initiative!
We’re starting a new cohort called Community Stewards, and we’re looking for people who want to help us grow this movement! If you’re passionate about meeting people and want to contribute to a space that promotes reflection, learning, and connections, we invite you to get involved.
A just transition includes freedom and safety for all
We as the FCAC community are appalled at the atrocities we have witnessed over the past two months and we grieve the loss of life and dignity of Israeli and Palestinian people. Recognizing our shared humanity and the rights of all people to freedom, safety and self-determination, we call for peace. As a movement founded on diverse legacies of nonviolent action, we reject the narrative that freedom and safety for some must come at the cost of freedom and safety for others. We are committed to building a world across race, culture, and religion where we can all live in freedom and peace.
End of the Year Energy Updates
In this last energy update of the year, we give a rundown of the recommendations made under Dunleavy’s Alaska Energy Security Task Force, and look ahead to some of the exciting climate legislation that will come up in the next state legislature session. We also take a look at Alaska’s role in the Fifth National Climate Assessment, and ways to learn more and get involved in upcoming legislative issues in the new year.
Resources for thanksgiving
This week, many people in Fairbanks and across the country will be celebrating Thanksgiving. This can be a challenging holiday for many reasons, so we wanted to provide some resources to help folks navigate this time.
Resources and Action Opportunities - FCAC UPDATES FOR NOVEMBER 2023
As we grieve the lives that have been lost in Israel and Palestine and take action to stop further violence, we are committed to holding each other's hands while we walk through this dark time, and rejecting narratives and disinformation that aim to divide us. We stand in solidarity with people everywhere, regardless of race or religion, who yearn for freedom, dignity, and safety.
Join a movement to make lasting change.
If you want to be part of a movement of people centered in decolonization, deeply connected to the land who are working to put forward bold solutions to the climate crisis and dismantle oppressive systems, then become an FCAC member! By getting involved, you’re joining a movement to make lasting change to build the world we want.
GVEA is taking steps toward a renewable energy future. Let’s encourage them to keep going.
GVEA has been awarded a large grant to further develop energy storage, and has applied to many other federal funding opportunities, all of which will support a transition to more renewable energy. Read on for the details.
FCAC’s September energy newsletter: Action at all levels
In this month’s energy newsletter, we’ll be talking about the action that we need at all levels of leadership for a just transition, and how those levels affect each other. Our work locally is part of a massive web of action stretching across the state, the country, and the world. That net is so powerful, and so necessary, to enact the kind of change we need. Each level of change is inextricably linked to the next - when we create change at the local level, that has untold effects rippling out across the rest of the web, and vice versa.
How to vote local
Local elections are currently underway, and they are so important! Most notably for us this year, the local Borough Assembly has the opportunity to reinstate the original Climate Action and Adaptation Plan from before it was gutted. Read on to get all the details about where, when, and how to vote!
Press release: Alaskan Healing and Arts Program Brings in Major Star-Power to Shed Light on Pressing Climate Issues
On Labor Day, an intimate group of about 100 local climate activists, artists, and Indigenous leaders gathered at the UAF president’s house to witness the culminating presentation from this summer’s dynamic Gath & K’iyh: Listen to Heal workshop program in partnership with Yo-Yo Ma’s Our Common Nature, which explores how culture helps us connect to the natural world. This final event brought in some major players to draw attention to climate impacts to local ecosystems, including world-renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma, drag queen and environmental advocate Pattie Gonia, and singer-songwriter Quinn Christopherson.
Fairbanksans Gather for Farthest North Event of the End Fossil Fuels Weekend of Action
On Saturday, a group of about 50 community members gathered in Golden Heart Plaza to demand stronger climate action on all levels of government. The event, organized by FCAC’s Keep it in the Ground Working Group, was planned in concert with events happening worldwide ahead of the United Nations Secretary General’s Climate Ambition Summit.
FCAC's August Energy Newsletter: Reality Checks
As we work for the fossil fuel free future we need, it’s important to stay grounded in the reality of what this change really looks like on the ground. In this issue of our energy newsletter, we’ll look at our reality - including where our local energy utilities are currently at in their transparency and openness to member input, a study to assess different real-world scenarios for lowering carbon emissions in the state, and lastly, we’ll look at the LNG false promises being made by our government, and assessing them in the context of our actual global energy market.
July Energy Update: Hold GVEA accountable to generate action, not carbon
In this month’s energy newsletter, we’ll be talking about GVEA and what we can do to hold them accountable to their renewable energy goals.
Generating Energy For Change - FCAC Updates for July 2023
Summer’s peak is upon us, and in its frenetic energy, our coalition has kept a powerful momentum, with action after action building a powerful current that energizes our work.
Exciting Developments in our Interfaith Work
FCAC’s Interfaith Working Group works to bridge the gap amongst Fairbanks area faith communities, and find points of commonality where we can work alongside each other for climate justice. Find out more about the work we’ve been doing, and the exciting things we’re planning next!
June Energy Newsletter: Accountability
In this issue of FCAC’s Energy Update Newsletter, we’ll be talking about accountability. What does it look like to hold our leaders accountable to their energy promises, or to basic standards of transparency? How can we, as Alaskan residents, exercise our power to demand that our leaders hold up their end of the bargain?
Dunleavy’s not fooling anyone: fossil fuels aren’t sustainable
Last month I attended the “Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference” in which the Governor opened the space by asking, “How do we make energy affordable and sustainable?” The “solutions” offered by the majority of speakers over the following three days could not have been farther from the reality of what’s needed for a clean energy transition.
Celebrating freedom
This Juneteenth, we aim to celebrate the freedom, equality, and justice that have been won through the persistent and strategic organizing of previous and current generations of Black organizers, but also to remember that this work is not over, and that it is absolutely a part of our movement.
Assembly votes unanimously against Climate Action and Adaptation Plan
On Thursday evening, the Borough Assembly unanimously voted against the FNSB Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP), albeit for very different reasons.